Consider yourself lucky if you are reading this, you most likely not to have lived in a society with extreme judgements, sentences, and punishments. Back in the good old days if you did something wrong, for example stole a goat, chicken, Adultery, you were pretty much assured being handed a death sentence. In those days there was no hanging around on Death Row, contemplating the errors of your ways whilst waiting for some form of humane, painless death. Executions in the ancient history seems to be so barbaric and devices used were built with careful engineering to push the guilty to feel extreme and prolonged pain before death. The forms of execution listed below really are so barbaric that you might question your faith in human nature. Blowing from the gun. With the invention of the cannon came this wonderfully imaginative way of executing enemy combatants. The basic method was to tie the unfortunate victim to the barrel of a cannon and fire it. Horrific as this sounds I imagine it w
Slaves were known to be priced possessions of their owners who mainly were used for hard labour especially on farms and other labourous areas of enterprise. It's a known fact that slavery contributed significantly to the development of the Western nations and some of the upcoming developed countries like Brazil and the likes. While I will not waste time to take you on History class or lessons, stumbled on a name and story that looked like fiction yet a true life and historical figure in Brazil. Pata Seca was a black slave in Brazil in the late 1880s, while there are varying versions of his story and biography one thing remained constant. That Pata Seca was a slave who didn't work on any farm, factory or engaged in any hard labour through out his life but was groomed, pampered and given preferential treatment is an irony only explained by the reason for which it happened. The whole arrangement was a sinister one aimed as using Pata Seca as a breeder of slaves, just as dogs and o
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